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De website, confirmeert zich volledig aan de gedrags- en waarborgregels van het BDMA (Belgian Direct Marketing Association). zal steeds de regels volgen en zo goed mogelijk uitvoeren/naleven. Onderstaand vind je meer informatie over het BDMA. confirms fully to the behavioral and warranty rules of the BDMA (Belgian Direct Marketing Association). will always follow the rules and implementation / compliance in the best possible way. Below you will find more information about the BDMA.


Go to the BDMA website (opens in a new browser window)The Belgian Direct Marketing Association ( BDMA ) is a unique marketing platform in Belgium. It does not only unites the advertisers in its sector, but also the service providers. In this way, the association representing the interests of the whole sector, it provides information and training and it determines the image of Direct Marketing in Belgium.

Through a proactive and reactive public relations policy the BDMA guards the image of Direct Marketing in Belgium. The Code of Conduct , the Robinson lists and the Supervisory Committee of the BDMA play an important role. But also the various projects in the field of training and events (such as the Cuckoo Awards), the BDMA conference and the Hall of Fame Award contribute as well.

The mission of the BDMA

The BDMA’s mission is to promote, defend and improve the knowledge and the ethical use of Direct Marketing. The goal is to strengthen the confidence of consumers in Direct Marketing (both in B2B and B2C) in the long term. The expansion of the direct marketing industry also belongs to her area . This is in the interest of advertisers, consultants, suppliers, as well as media involved in the DM sector.

The sectors of the BDMA

De direct marketing sector kent verschillende deelgebieden die hoewel ze complementair zijn, ook elk hun specifiteiten hebben. Vandaar dat het BDMA verschillende ‘sectoren’ beheert. Elke sector geniet van een zekere zelfstandigheid om standpunten in te nemen, projecten en werkgroepen op te starten en vergaderingen te organiseren. Elke sector is vertegenwoordigd in de Raad van Beheer van het BDMA.

The direct marketing industry has several areas that are complementary although they also have their specificities. Hence the BDMA manages different ‘sectors’. Each sector enjoys a certain independence to take positions, initiate projects and working groups and to organize meetings. Each sector is represented in the Board of Directors of the BDMA.

The code of conduct of the BDMA can be found here.
